Boiler Systems: Linkage Control Vs. Parallel Positioning

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Boiler Systems: Linkage Control Vs. Parallel Positioning

When it comes to boilers, there are plenty of options to choose from. A critical feature business owners look for before purchasing an industrial boiler is the boiler system. Boilers have either a traditional linkage system or a parallel positioning system. The two systems operate differently, so how do you select one that fits your business needs? Our expert team at McKenna Boiler compares the efficiency levels of linkage systems vs. parallel positioning systems to help you make a more informed purchase. There are a few key points to keep in mind.

Looking at Traditional Linkage Boiler Systems

Linkage boiler systems are the traditional method. This is a standard, single point system. Multiple arms are coming off of it. For example, one arm might control the air damper while the other one controls the gas valve. Because all of the arms are connected, a shift in one part will impact the others. If the air valve is open, then this can start a chain reaction where the gas valve opens followed by the oil valve. In this manner, if one area is causing a problem, it’ll affect the rest of the boiler system. This can affect your turndown ratio and decrease fuel efficiency and production.

It is important to regularly maintain your linkage systems as well. There are lots of nuts and bolts holding it together. They’ll inevitably slip, move, and open up over time of use. If you’re not checking these points, this will greatly impact the efficiency of your linkage control system. A linkage control system is significantly cheaper than other boiler options. However, in the long run, a linkage system is going to require about five to ten percent more fuel due to reduced efficiency.

To ensure high performance of your linkage control system, inspect your boiler at least once per month. For additional support, seek boiler maintenance services from a trusted company like McKenna Boiler. 

Looking at Newer Parallel Boiler Systems

When compared to linkage positioning, parallel positioning is the modern solution. With a parallel positioning control system, there’s usually a separate servo motor for every point including air, oil, and gas. This provides the user with independent control over these aspects. A parallel positioning system provides opportunities to improve performance with micro-tuning. Because the various components are not linked together, it’s possible to change one part of the boiler system without directly affecting the rest. It’s far easier to start a parallel positioning system and requires less maintenance to overhead costs.

Since there are lots of parallel positioning systems, you must research for a system that can benefit your boiler and effectively reduce hysteresis. Even though gears naturally have a small amount of hysteresis, professionals who offer boiler mechanical services work with parallel positioning systems to minimize this and improve overall efficiency of your boiler. Because parallel positioning systems leverage the latest technology including advanced motors, touchscreen, and HD technology, this investment will provide business owners with the necessary tools to maintain and improve their boiler system. Thanks to the higher efficiency of parallel positioned boilers, businesses often save ten percent or more on their gas expenses. You can reinvest the money you’d spend on additional fuel on another boiler to increase production.

Check out our industrial boiler rentals to experience these benefits before taking the leap.

Professionals Who Maximize Boiler Efficiency

These are a few of the key points to note when it comes to the efficiency of traditional linkage vs parallel positioning boiler systems. To get the most out of your boiler system, rely on comprehensive boiler maintenance services from reliable boiler repair companies like McKenna Boiler. Contact our team today to learn more about our services and boilers!

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